"One final thing I have to do... and then I'll be free of the past."
That's a quote from Scottie Ferguson. A character in my favorite movie of all time; Alfred Hitchcock's, Vertigo.
That's truly how I felt about making this E.P. It's the last thing I had to do. The punctuation mark on a chapter of my life that brought me love, loss, inspiration, and eventually determination to move forward.
I recorded all of these songs alone in my apartment around 2012 to 2013. Originally they belonged to the group of songs that became the TLB record, which, fittingly, is out TODAY as well. (FIND THAT HERE). These songs didn't fit the tone of TLB, and so we shelved them. Until now. Gonna run down each tune with a little explanation and imagery/video below.
(Instruments and vocals: Darren Vorel
Drums: Mike Rataj
Written, Recorded and Mixed by Darren Vorel
Mastered by Matt Allison at Atlas Studios
After going through something pretty heavy, I didn't want to write a song that sounded "heavy." I wanted to write a song that conveyed a sense of disbelief. Almost a child like understanding of a serious situation. Whenever two people are in a long term relationship, they think "oh it's ok...this will blow over. it's just a ruff patch...We've been through this before." But what happens whens it doesn't? See songs 2 thru 6...
(Instruments and vocals: Darren Vorel
Written, Recorded and Mixed by Darren Vorel
Mastered by Matt Allison at Atlas Studios
When the reality sets in that something is truly over, You'll do anything to have one more chance. To show the other person that you took the relationship for granted, and you're willing to do whatever it takes to get them back. I wrote this song in a few hours on new years eve of 2012 when I heard she posted an instagram with the caption: "A fresh start for a new year."
(Instruments and vocals: Darren Vorel
Written, Recorded and Mixed by Darren Vorel
Mastered by Matt Allison at Atlas Studios
Even the worst breakups have some of the best memories. The idea behind this song is to go back and remember why you're so distraught in the first place. Because it really did matter. Nothing can change the good shit. No matter how it ends, you won't forget the thrill of the chase.
The Scissors at The Viaduct Theatre.
(Instruments and vocals: Darren Vorel
Written, Recorded and Mixed by Darren Vorel
Mastered by Matt Allison at Atlas Studios
I wrote this song in Florida. I took a trip there to escape the pain back in Chicago. To my surprise it was frigid on the Gulf of Mexico. Unbearably cold outside and I was left with zero sun and little to do. I had to spend the days inside watching Band of Brothers. There was no escaping anything I was feeling.
Me indoors in Florida on the trip where I wrote "My Own Private Island"
Instruments and vocals: Darren Vorel
Drums: Chris Mason
Written and Recorded by Darren Vorel
Mixed and Mastered by Matt Allison at Atlas Studios
This song doesn't fit within the context of a "breakup record," but I found that it felt good with the other songs. Good enough to include it in the story. A sort of "you need to move on" feeling. I wrote it in 2016 and recorded it for my birthday. It's about another "successful" person looking down at you as an artist and offering advice..."hey, havent' you suffered long enough? How long are you gonna keep doing this stuff you did in high school? Isn't it time you grow up? You'll never make any money at this."
Instruments and vocals: Darren Vorel
Written, Recorded and Mixed by Darren Vorel
Mastered by Matt Allison at Atlas Studios
This is one of my favorite songs. I feel like it encapsulates what it is to want someone who was once yours, but is never going to be yours again. I felt out of control and insane for writing a song like this...but that's the real shit that comes out. I wrote it in minutes after being dropped off at home from the airport. Eventually by break up or by death...we all have to deal with losing someone. It takes a long time to get back to normal, but you do. Somehow you do.