Hi friends, Darren here with a friendly hello and a short story about the eagle you often see in my work and logo. Father’s day was yesterday and it got me thinking about why the eagle matters so much to me.
My Father’s Golden Eagle Pin.
A family tradition. When I was little, I remember everyone from my father’s side of the family wearing these golden eagle pins to important events. A symbol of pride they’d wear to weddings, funerals, graduations, etc. The photo above is one of the eagle pins I inherited from my father when he passed away in 1995.
For as long as I can remember, I was told that our last name meant “Eagle” in Czechoslovakian. I’ve always loved knowing that my last name meant something important. Strength, freedom, pride and integrity are just a few traits of the eagle that I hope to always align with in my life and work.
The daily items we wear carry a rich history within them. Like watches and wallets that ride along on our daily adventures, these eagle pins have seen a lot. If only they could talk, I bet they’d have some good stories to share. This particular eagle pin (pictured above) has a broken foot to show some character and I wear it to every important event I attend. It always reminds me of my family and where I came from. It’s also a nice conversation piece when people ask about it.
Me Wearing The Golden Eagle Pin At A Gallery Show.
I didn’t get to know my father too well before he passed away but I like to think of him and my family when I create. As an artist, I also feel as close to God as possible here on earth when I create. These things bring me so much peace. Wearing the pins, incorporating the imagery and keeping the eagle alive in my branding are just a few ways I know how to carry on the tradition that I loved so much as a young man growing up in the suburbs of Chicago.
Happy Father’s Day to all and keep flying high!
Darren Vorel